
Thermodynamics, (Ther-mo-dy-nam-ics) The part of science that has a relationship between heat and energy. These energies are broken down into many different types. There are three types that are the most important, Mechanical Energy, Electrical Energy, and Chemical Energy. 

Mechanical Energy, (Meh-can-i-cal) is the process of work. Using forces of energies causes the power to shoot out and make things work. Though Mechanical Energy isn’t just the process of work it can be known as Kinetic Energy or Potential Energy. 

Kinetic Energy, (Kin-net-ic) is the energy of motion. Kinetic energy happens by using fast movement to strike an object at a high velocity to create power to move the object. Though Potential Energy is different, it uses the stored energy of position. Whenever you build up a strong force and use it all at once to move an object is known as Potential Energy.

Electrical Energy, (E-lec-tric-cal) is kinetic energy caused when electrical charges move. Since electrical energy is kinetic, the faster charges move, the more power and electricity it creates.

Chemical Energy, (Chem-i-cal) is stored energy inside of molecules and atoms. These chemical bonds may be released when a chemical reaction collides with it creating a new different substance that could be harmful or completely safe. 


Thermodynamics in Stars

Thermodynamics is out of this world, literally. These stars are connected to thermodynamics, but how exactly and what is a star? Well you can watch this video to understand what a star is.


<If it’s unavailable to watch please either watch it on Youtube itself or continue reading>

The video shown seems to be very complex and has many crucial details of a star’s life and how they are formed. To summarize, a star is a celestial mass created with different types of gasses like hydrogen and helium, which can create light and heat.

Stars have life span. They start out small (like a baby) and expand as they age (like an adult). Stars begin as a Protostar that can become bigger stars like Red Giants. The dense center core of a protostar heats up hydrogen, which then fuses into helium. Then as the star slowly grows bigger and bigger while releasing that hydrogen and helium, it may explode into a supernova. The supernova is an incredible source of light and energy that is extremely hot that looks stunning when seen through a telescope. These stars then can either turn into a small white dwarf or a massive black hole. 

Stars aren’t always just about heat and light, what about the things inside it? Well these things are known as elements.


Elemental Origins

Elements are chemical substances that have atoms inside them. Currently, there are 118 elements known in the universe. These elements follow systematic rules in chemistry. For example, the elements in each row tell how many electron energy levels there are (total of 9). The elements in columns color coded the same represent different groups or families (total of 10). The element families are alkali metals, alkali earth metals, lanthanides, actinides, transition metals, post transition metals, metalloids, nonmetals, halogens, and noble gases.

Many of these elements can create harmful things, like fire and many harmful gases. Though these elements can create many good things or generally are useful like oxygen. Even these elements are in medicines like zinc and iron. Though there are many more to learn of.

These elements are found on Earth, but some are also in the stars. The elements hydrogen, helium, oxygen, and nitrogen are very important to create a star. Though these elements are in and are connected to stars, what else do stars have or well make? Well these stars can create patterns in the sky called constellations.


The Greek Constellations

Constellations are the many patterns in the sky made of stars. These patterns create many types of images, which are unique and interesting. They create mythical creatures, animals, objects, or even people for that matter. These constellations came from the Ancient Greeks, and the Greeks love their constellations. 


From the likes of Andromeda to Cassiopeia, these constellations each make up their own myths and stories to create wonders of life. There are constellations that explain the zodiac as well as the main figures of Greek stories.

Take the constellation Draco, “A dragon, a snake, a hippopotamus, and a crocodile— the constellation Draco has been regarded as all these animals over thousands of years”. Now this is a crazy story about a dragon, a snake, a hippopotamus, and a crocodile put into one. It does sound weird, and well, it is. Sometimes myths are meant to be weird. That’s the fun about constellations. They are fun to read and learn about. 

Constellations are unique symbols that show everyday people the meanings of why they became important in history. It’s fascinating to learn about. There is still one more aspect to Constellations. What do you think it is? Well, of course, it’s Greek Mythology.


The Stories of The Greeks

Greek Mythology is a collection of myths and stories that the Ancient Greeks had learned and listened to. The constellations are just the symbols of the myths.

Who were the Ancient Greeks? We know that modern day Greece is still in existence, but those Greeks are not the people we are focusing on. Instead, ancient Greece was a place that merged philosophy, history, democracy, and trading with their seafaring culture to make a very prosperous and successful civilization on the Mediterranean Sea. Another aspect of the Ancient Greeks is their love of telling stories to explain the unknown to its people.

Remember the story earlier about Draco? It is interesting to understand, but normally people look up into the night sky and see the symbol and not care about the story of Draco. Similarly, Orion is a myth that tells about actions of greatness and courage. However, only the symbol is what people discover about Orion the Hunter.

Mythology are stories meant to teach people life lessons and the constellations in the night sky act as a reminder of these lessons for the people. The myths portray a greater visual than the symbol. So just remember this, when you’re looking up into the night sky seeing the many different constellations that they have a hidden story and lesson to tell. 

Ultimately, Greek Mythology connects to constellations, which connect to stars, which then connect to elements, which then finally links to thermodynamics. Thank you for reading.