The Abdominal Organs + Nutrition


Ivette Galindo

Welcome to my eighth-grade webpage. You might have seen my PowerPoint which I discuss several topics including organs, nutrition, the evolution of medical knowledge, and even a short section about Leonardo da Vinci. Although I based my eighth-grade project on the abdominal organs, I wanted to use my webpage to deliver new information about how nutrition and exercise can benefit you, your body, and your organs. On my webpage, you will not only get to read about the importance of a healthy lifestyle but you will even get to play guess that organ.


To begin, what is nutrition? Nutrition is the process in which your body takes in nutrients from foods. It is important to eat foods filled with nutrients because that is how our body gets its energy. When the stomach digests carbohydrates it mixes with fluids to create glucose; glucose is our source of energy. Another main reason why we should eat a healthy and balanced diet is for your organs, especially for your heart. By changing unhealthy foods for something more nutritious like fruits and vegetables, in the long run, you can help prevent heart diseases because in just the US 92.1 million people struggle with heart diseases. Eating foods filled with nutrients can also help your digestive system have a smoother process. By not only eating a more nutritious diet it will not only help you feel more energized, help prevent certain diseases and even help your digestive system but, it also helps you strengthen your bones and teeth. By eating foods with calcium can help your teeth and bones stay strong now and in the future.

In your diet, you should try and include your daily dose of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. A great way to include some of these elements in your diet is by eating apples and peanut butter. Apples and peanut butter is a nutritious snack that is easy to make and is filled with nutrients. If you’re allergic to peanuts, sun butter, or almond butter is also a great source of nutrients. Both sun and almond butter are filled with vitamin E. Vitamin E is important because it is how we keep the outer layer of our skin and organs healthy and strong. If you scroll down you will see I have also included some other nutritious snacks you can make. It doesn’t have to be difficult to include these nutrients in your diet. There are many ways of sneaking in your daily doses of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.


As important as it is to eat a balanced diet it is also important to exercise. Exercise keeps your joints and muscles strong and prevents them from getting weak and stiff. Exercise is also important to keep your heart and lungs in shape. Exercising helps strengthen your heart muscles. It benefits your heart because that means your heart can work less; it can push out more blood with each beat, therefore it doesn’t have to beat as fast. Exercising also benefits your lungs. When exercising your body is demanding more oxygen therefore your lungs work out the muscles making them stronger. When exercising or just throughout the day you should always drink water; water is a necessity. Your body needs water to function without drinking water you would get dehydrated and pass out. Water is also extremely important for the kidneys, kidneys need water to get rid of waste in your body.


Two types of exercise that help grow heart and lungs muscles are aerobic and cardio exercises. Aerobic and cardio exercises are a great way to strengthen your heart and lungs; walking, running, jump roping are some other exercises that help strengthen your heart and lungs muscles. You can view the link that I have included down below to do some cardio exercises to help strengthen your heart and lungs muscles. If you don’t enjoy doing cardio exercises sports are another way of getting in exercise and strengthening your heart and lung muscles. Sports like soccer, football, baseball, basketball, and so many more are a way of having fun and also taking care of your body. There is always a way to find what type of exercise you enjoy the most. 


Now that you have read why it’s important, the benefits, and even a way to obtain a healthy lifestyle I hope I have at least inspired you to try and begin to live a healthy lifestyle. Also, remember how not only living a healthy lifestyle can make you feel more energized or just better in general but it also benefits your organs, bones, and even teeth. There is always a way to sneak in your daily dose of nutrients and a type of physical activity. You just have to see what works for you.

After watching my presentation you can click on the link down below that will take you to a game I created guess that organ. The purpose of the game is to teach/quiz you on how good you know your organs. How the game works is there will be a riddle on the screen, after reading the riddle you will have to select the organ the riddle best describes. There are 7 riddles for the older kids and 5 for the younger kids. Then after answering the riddles at the end you will get to know your score on how good you know your organs.

“Ants on a log”



Peanut or almond butter



Step-by-step instructions:

Wash and dry celery

Apply peanut butter to celery

(or any butter you will be using)
Top with raisins 



Celery, peanut butter, and raisins or “ants on a log” make a great and nutritious snack. 

Peanut butter is loaded with healthy fats, protein, fiber, and a variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

Celery is packed with vitamins A and C.

Raisins are filled with calcium, boron, antioxidants, iron, fiber, and natural sugar.


“Apple Ladybugs”


Red apples

Peanut or almond butter



Step-by-step instructions:

Wash and dry red apples

Cut apples down the middle 

Take out the core 

Slit a triangle down the center of the apple

Without slicing all the way through

Dab peanut butter and top with raisins 

Add two pretzels as the antennas


Red apples are great for heart health and are high in fiber.

Peanut butter is loaded with healthy fats, protein, fiber, and a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. 

Raisins are filled with calcium, boron, antioxidants, iron, fiber, and natural sugar
Pretzels are high in carbs and low in fat and protein, but they contain some fiber and B vitamins.


“Fruit skewers”


Fruit of choice






 Step-by-step instructions:

Wash and dry fruit 

Grab skewers 

Add your choice of fruit to skewer



Fruits are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Eating fruits on a daily basis can lower

the risk of heart disease.


“Fruit parfaits ”


Fruit of choice  







 Step-by-step instructions:

Wash and dry fruit 

Grab a cup and start to layer 

Yogurt, granola, fruit.



Yogurt is a good way to incorporate calcium to keep

your bone and teeth strong. Granola is a good protein to

have in the mornings to keep you full throughout the day.


The videos that I have included down below, are some short videos that can teach you how to draw an important organ, the stomach. The video on the left is a video that will teach you how to draw a simple stomach, and the video on the right is a video that goes a little more into detail on the stomach.