
My name is Danyelle and welcome to my eighth grade project. My topic is nails. In this website, you will find information that was not in my slideshow. In my group we will be doing activities such as designing your own nails and more.

Why is keeping your nails nice and healthy good for you?

Keeping your nails nice and healthy is to prevent bacteria and dirt from getting under your fingernails, and causing unhealthy and damaged nails to split and crack. Especially with acrylics,since they are longer it’s harder to clean and prevent bacteria and dirt from getting under your nails. And one main thing to keep your nails from infections is not to bite on your nails.

Here is a link to a video on how to take care of your nails and maintain them.

What foods are good for keeping your nails healthy and strong:

The best types of food would be protein, protein can be found in animals like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products, and also plant based food such as fruits, vegetables, soy, legumes, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole grain, and lots of water. You can even make delicious meals or snacks like:

  • Making your own salsa by tossing together cooked, shelled edamame; chopped white onion; diced tomatoes, sweet corn; and lime juice.

  • Or season steamed edamame with chili powder for a zesty snack.

  • Make scrambled eggs with sliced smoked salmon and chopped broccoli, two other good sources of biotin.

  • Soak cashews and blend them into a smoothie with sliced bananas, dates, and milk of choice.

Practice and Skill:

Becoming a Nail Technician does not happen overnight. It takes school hours, practice and time to perfect the skill needed to become a nail technician. It takes practice and time to perfect and alot school hours . Doing school to become a nail tech is about a minimum of 600 hours. Unless you become a self taught learner, but that depends on how fast of a learner you are. It does require a lot of practice and skill with being a nail tech, especially with hand painted art or doing designs. Know that is precision.