
Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey is located on the coast of California, around two hours away from San Francisco. The aquarium is 3.3 acres wide covering areas for whales and dolphins to live in their habitat.

To visit the Monterey bay aquarium and its many different animals it costs $49.95 for an adult and for youth it costs $39.95. This aquarium has many exhibits you can visit, such as the Kelp forest, Open Sea, Sea Otters, and my personal favorite, the jellyfish experience.

If you are interested in this aquarium you can click on this link and it will take you to a grand page where you can find out more about the Monterey bay aquarium and its different creatures, as well as the many exhibits you can check out.

This is a live camera video of what the special moon jellyfish are doing right now, this camera is live 24 hours a day so you can check it out whenever you want. These jellyfish are located in the Monterey bay aquarium.

Various Kinds of Jellyfish

Now there are many different types of jellyfish, like the moon jellyfish which is famous for its unique colors and small size.

There are also bigger more colorful jellyfish, the Atolla jellyfish, for example, is unique for its bright reds and oranges, this jellyfish also has tentacles unlike other jellyfish, these tentacles move gracefully wherever they please, swirling around the jellyfish.

Box Jellyfish   Irukandji jellyfish

The Box jellyfish, known for its many eyes and great vision, this jellyfish is clear and almost completely transparent. 
The most dangerous jellyfish is called the Irukandji jellyfish which is very small, but their sting can be very dangerous to the touch.

 Crown jellyfish

Last but not least is the Crown jellyfish which is a beautiful white, with bell-covered tiny spikes. This jellyfish is shown at the aquarium along with other elegant beauties. 

Jellyfish are very ancient creatures staying on this earth for millions of years, this video will be explaining what a jellyfish is along with many different facts about the jellyfish.

Drawing a Jellyfish

These videos will be showing you how to draw a jellyfish, teaching how to draw the tentacles and bell part of the jellyfish. One video is a simple jellyfish which can be drawn with ease while the other video is more complex and difficult, taking quite a bit of time to draw.


For my mentor class each of these poems are here to show an example of what a Cinquain poem is, with these you will be able to learn what a noun, adjective and verb is. These mentor activities are to write one of these poems and draw a jellyfish, these two things will help you learn how to write poems and use nouns as well as adverbs, it will also show you how to draw a jellyfish.

 Elegant, Colorful
Dancing, Floating, Swirling
 Gliding against the ocean floor
Deep, Mysterious
Splashing, Wondering, Flowing
Fish finding their way