Electric Cars – The Future of Cars


Avery B.

The PowerPoint on this webpage presents facts about the electric car. This webpage will expand your knowledge about the car of the future. Down below you will find a chart between electric cars and gas cars. In this chart, you will find things about electric cars that you might have not known about. You will also find additional information about the benefits of electric cars. On top of that on this website, you will find the evolution of the designs for electric cars and how they changed over time.

Comparison between Electric Cars and Gas Cars

Electric cars on the outside might just seem like any other car, what really matters is the parts of the car that makes them so unique. Gas cars have an internal combustion engine and need to be fueled by gas. When you run the car you release some of the poisonous gases that come from burning gasoline. Also, known as fossil fuels. Fossil fuels come from coal, crude oil, and natural gas. This is where electric cars come in. Electric cars are much different from traditional gas cars since they only run on a rechargeable battery. If you wanted to power an electric car you would need to find your nearest charging station and charge from there. The biggest reason that electric cars are becoming more and more common nowadays is that they release zero emissions. Another reason is that they are becoming more affordable for consumers making it easier to get one. As the world is shifting towards cleaner air and fewer greenhouse gases electric cars are a great stepping stone. Down below you will find a chart with a comparison between electric cars and gas cars. You will also find information on what they do to humans as well.

Pollution of Gas Cars

As an introduction to what things gas cars are doing to the environment, you have to understand what is actually coming out of the tailpipe and what it causes. You might not believe it, but there are 5 individual gases coming out of a gas tailpipe each doing different things to not only the environment but to humans as well. So here are the 5 gases: carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter. All of these gases affect the environment or humans in some way. I will tell you the most harmful effects of some of the gases. Sulfur dioxide is one of the harmful gases to humans by aggravating existing heart and lung diseases. On top of that, they produce acid rain which affects crops. Another one is a particulate matter which can cause asthma and respiratory illness. Moving on to what gases affect the environment, they include carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide create a mass amount of smog decreasing the visibility of what humans can see. Carbon dioxide is the most influential gas out of the bunch, amounting to 60% of enhancing greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide is one of the causes of climate change.


For more information watch this quick youtube video about air pollution


Electric Car Design Timeline

Electric car designs have changed a lot since the late 1800s. There were not many car manufacturers in the late 1800s and this would lead to car manufacturers like Ford making a name for themselves in the electric car industry back in the day. Nowadays it seems like everyone is taking an interest in electric cars. This is beneficial not just for the environment but for consumers as well.

Design the Car of the Future

Design matters a lot in electric cars, so design your car for the future. People are always working to improve the automobile. They want to make it safer, easier to use, and more comfortable. They also want to make it so it does not use fossil fuels or uses less fuel. With these things in mind, design a car that will be better in many ways than the car most people drive today. If you can’t seem to think of anything refer to this website to get some ideas.


After you have drawn your car and colored it take a photo of it and send it to your teacher’s email or google classroom.  On the same piece of paper where you drew your car answer the following questions about it:


Describe your car


Why is your car better than the fossil fuel cars we drive now?