Cheese – jack

Why I chose this topic

My choice in topic actually started as a joke that my eighth grade project was going to be about cheese because I knew a lot of random facts about cheese and even how cheese was invented. I knew this because I really enjoy eating cheese and one day just decided to learn more about cheese. I said then that I would actually make my project on cheese and so I did just that.

Cheese making has been around for five thousand years, starting with the ancient mesopotamians learning that if they left milk out in the sun for an extended period of time it would form soft clumps that they could eat. Some of the oldest writing from ancient Babylon is cheese inventory tablets, which seem to keep inventory of cheeses for different rituals as well as for trade. Cheese spread from Mesopotamia to as far as central and western Europe and even as far as Mongolia and China where people made loaves of Paneer, which were soaked in yogurt, vinegar as well as other things too. In ancient Rome dry cheese, called Caseus Aridus, was the main ration for the impressive roman army. From what few written records we have from the dark ages we know that Celtic monks created many popular types of cheese such as Munster, Parmesan, Peccorino Romano and most Swiss types, the Gruyere region of Switzerland was even invaded solely for control of its cheese industry.